Logo Open-TeleVision
Teleoperation with Immersive Active Visual Feedback

Xuxin Cheng*             Jialong Li*             Shiqi Yang             Ge Yang             Xiaolong Wang

CoRL 2024
Remote Teleoperation
Autonomous Skills

Logo TeleVision is an open-sourced immersive teleoperation system with stereo visual feedback. It can be potentially used to teleoperate
from anywhere
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any robot
with any devices

Fully Autonomous Skills

Robots executing highly precise, extremely long-horizon tasks with high success rate, autonomously.

Cross-Country Teleoperation

Robot and operator are ~3000 miles away from each other.

System Performance


Teleoperation serves as a powerful method for collecting on-robot data essential for robot learning from demonstrations. The intuitiveness and ease of use of the teleoperation system are crucial for ensuring high-quality, diverse, and scalable data. To achieve this, we propose an immersive teleoperation system Open-TeleVision that allows operators to actively perceive the robot's surroundings in a stereoscopic manner. Additionally, the system mirrors the operator's arm and hand movements on the robot, creating an immersive experience as if the operator's mind is transmitted to a robot embodiment. We validate the effectiveness of our system by collecting data and training imitation learning policies on four long-horizon, precise tasks (Can Sorting, Can Insertion, Folding, and Unloading) for 2 different humanoid robots and deploy them in the real world.



title={Open-TeleVision: Teleoperation with Immersive Active Visual Feedback},
author={Cheng, Xuxin and Li, Jialong and Yang, Shiqi and Yang, Ge and Wang, Xiaolong},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.01512},